This game is build as a custom project as a way to test new learned skills in Javascript language while studying in Softuni. Everything is writhen and there is nothing "copy-paste"-ed in order to gain and practising the new learned skills. The game is not а part of homework or other exercise from the course in Softuni. It a private decision and as such it brings some mistakes and incompleteness. I tried to do every part of the project including "FavIcon" - stupid pixel by pixel drawing. The only part that is web resource is bull head for background changing, but also moded by me in two colors according requirements of the theme. And ,yes , the dark theme is inspired by the GutHub dark theme...

Thanks a lot to my mentor Plamen Popov for his advices and his patience!

The project is not on final stage.

Try it! Guess the number and tell me your opinion!

TODO: clean the code


  • changed functionality of theme button. No more reloading the page!
  • Last user number is added to the top of the list
  • added "back" button
  • Back

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